About "Who’s A Good Blog?"

WhosaGoodBlog.com is a platform focused on helping people find quality blogs. It is for people to learn, to be entertained and to enrich their lives. It offers a place for readers to come, to browse and to search for blogs that match their interests.

While there are many ways to find blogs, none are blog centric. From search engines, through social media sites to content indexing sites (Pinterest) they all play a part in providing access to blogs. It is our opinion that none of them truly serve the blogging community. Rather they serve their own community, which is entirely fair, and bloggers spend significant effort trying to make these platform work for them. Our thought was there has to be a better way. There begins our journey.

Blog Readers

This site is dedicated to helping readers find blogs that educate and/or entertain them. Our goal is to become the "go to" resource for finding quality blogs that match your interest. Our intent is to be both a blog directory and blog search engine. You can choose to browse or to search for topics and will be shown thumbnails of the blogs. Clicking the thumbnail will take you to the blog site. Over time we will attempt to rate the quality of the blogs and serve you the best blogs first.


Call it a directory, or call it a search engine (it’s both) our site’s goal is to help readers find and enjoy articles they will appreciate.

We display the same sort of information that a search engine would, but in a more blog friendly style. This includes a blog title, part of the blog introduction, a blog image, a table of contents and the ability to click through to your blog. You can adjust the information that is presented (max length of intro, image yes or no, table of content yes or no) by signing up and registering you blog. The goal is to provide blogs as much traffic as we can. Note: Like search engines, we do not provide do-follow links to sites.


At "Who's a Good Blog?" we believe that we are stronger together, that we can achieve far more by working together than we ever could alone. This site follows that philosophy.

As a new site we have built a “platform” to connect blog readers with blogs. It is going to take the participation of both readers and bloggers to make this work.

We ask readers to use and enjoy this site, and visit the blogs that interest you. If we missed listing a blog you enjoy please share that with us. We will be adding more ways readers can participate in the near future.

As bloggers know better than anyone, it takes time to build rank and traffic. We ask you to send us some "link cred" by placing one of our links towards the bottom of your post. This will help in a small, but critical way to build our rank and traffic. With time, we hope to channel lots of traffic out to the blogs.


Free for readers and bloggers.

Blog Rating & Ranking

In an effort to provide readers with the best blogs we rely on some of the metrics that one would expect.

There are some "practices" that we strongly discourage and can have a negative impact on the blog ranking.

These include:

WAGB's Note: In building this site we were looking for an open source grammar checker. Our "go to" search engine returned a list of results most of which claimed to review or evaluate Open source grammar checkers. We quickly found that most of their article/blog titles were fraudulent. They reviewed grammar checkers and claimed they were open source, but they were not. Using fake keywords (that don't belong in the post) will get your post removed from our index. In addition the entire site will be downgraded.

We reserve the right to not index or present any blog we choose.

WhosaGoodBlog.com is Not